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Girls Hostel near Mall of Multan in Cheap Rates

 Girls Hostel near Mall of Multan in Cheap Rates


 Each hostel/ unit has been handed with a clerk, a head deliverer, liaisons, culinarians, 
 gardener, water carriers, watchmen and sweepers. 
  The clerk shall be responsible for looking after the office and shall help the warden 
 and adjunct warden in maintaining records of all scholars ’ admission in hotel 
 concerned, fiscal and other deals, the hotel establishment, stock papers, 
 food register and general correspondence. 
  The Head Bearer shall be responsible for the effective working of the staff under 
 him, and for the safety of hotel property. S/ he shall keep charge of the pottery, 
 implements, cabinetwork, and electrical outfit and shall report their loss to the 
 The chef shall be responsible for his particular and general cleanliness of the kitchen 
 and the cooked food. He she shall not allow outlanders or scholars except members 
 of the Mess Committee to visit the kitchen. He she shall be responsible for icing 
 the quality and volume of the accoutrements supplied for preparing food. 
  All hostel workers shall be well dressed at all times. 
  hostel ADMISSION 
 Residence in caravansaries is a honor and not a right. Since accommodation in caravansaries is 
 limited, the University Authorities may thus not be suitable to give 
 accommodation to all aspirants. 
 Only regular scholars as per University rules may be allowed admission in the 
 caravansaries . 
  All scholars seeking admission in the hotel shall submit an affidavit/ undertaking to 
 abide by these regulations. 
 Seats will be awarded on merit. scholars with excellent academic record, enjoying 
 good character in terms of discipline, dealing with fellow scholars and cooperation 
 with hotel/ University authorities will be given preference. 
 scholars living in Municipal Corporation/ PDA limits won't be entitled for hotel 
 accommodation at any circumstances. 
 scholars who have joined the University for the first time shall apply for a seat in 
 the caravansaries to the Provost, on specified form accessible from his office on 
 The Provost shall allow a seat to a scholars in a hotel/ according to the following 
 order, handed accommodation is available 
 New Boys Hostel and Unit- A( caravansaries 1, 2 and 3) reserved for Post graduate 
 Unit- B( caravansaries 4, 5 and 8) reserved for 4th Time and DVM 5th Year Student. 
 Yar Muhammad Khan Hostel, Sher Shah Suri Hostel( Hostel# 6), Ahmad Shah 
 Abdali Hostel( Hostel# 7) reserved for under graduate scholars. 
 Girls Hostel reserved for womanish scholars( including all classes). 
 The being scholars of the University, seeking fresh admission/ readmission to a 
 hotel, shall apply to the concerned warden, who shall recommend their 
 operations to the Provost if he she considers it desirable. 
  The Provost/ Warden has the right to refuse admission to a pupil whose once 
 record in the hotel isn't satisfactory. 
  After admission to a hotel, the occupant pupil shall come under the correctional 
 control of the hotel operation. 
  Each lessee shall get hotel card two days after the due date of hotel admission 
 and shall be bound to abide by the instructions given on the card and listed in the 
 A pupil who fails to turn up within seven days of the allotment of a hostel seat or a 
 pupil who after enwrapping the hotel seat designedly leaves it without the 
 knowledge of the warden shall lose his/ her seat. 
 caravansaries once distributed can only be changed with the authorization of the Deputy 
 Provost/ Associate Provost/ Provost, after carrying no expostulation instrument from 
 wardens concerned. Apartments in the hotel can be changed with the authorization of the 
 hotel warden. 
 resides may be permitted to leave the caravansaries after carrying concurrence instrument 
 from the separate warden counter inked by the Provost. 
  Accommodation shall be given for a outside of four times to the scholars of all 
 Bachelorette degree programs, five times to DVM, two times to the scholars of all Master 
 degree programs and four times to PhD scholars, subject to vacuity of seats, 
 periodic renewal and review on the base of good gets 
 and satisfactory report. No 
 extension shall be given in any circumstances. 
  All foreign scholars shall live in University caravansaries ( Unit – A) as per rules subject 
 to vacuity of seats. 
  All resides shall produce a “ concurrence instrument ” from the hotel Warden/ Provost 
 before getting a degree. 
 resides shall abide by the hotel regulations. Violations of any regulation or order 
 issued by the operation shall render a occupant liable to fine indeed expatriation from 
 the hostel or to similar other action; as the operation may consider 

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